Levica u Evropi danas

The Left in Europe Today


Pozivamo vas na javni razgovor o političkoj levici u Evropi danas koji će biti održan u sredu, 18. septembra, sa početkom u 19 časova, u Prostoru Miljenko Dereta, Dobračina 55, Beograd.


Marga Ferré, Foundation of Critical Studies, Španija; Gavin Rae, Fondacija Naprzod, Poljska; Cornelia Hildebrandt, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Nemačka; Yann Le Lann, Espaces Marx, Francuska.

Moderacija: Vladimir Simović, Centar za politike emancipacije.

Razgovor će biti vođen na engleskom jeziku uz obezbeđen simultani prevod.

U svetu obeleženom rastućim nejednakostima, klimatskim promenama i vojnim sukobima, uloga političke levice postaje sve važnija. Ali kako se levica nosi s ovim izazovima? Fokusirajući se na zemlje poput Španije, Francuske, Poljske i Nemačke, analiziraćemo trenutno stanje levice u Evropi. Istražićemo različite strategije koje su leve političke partije koristile u svakoj od ovih zemalja. U Španiji levica učestvuje u koalicionoj vladi. U Poljskoj parlamentarna levica podržava vladu, a jedan njen deo čak i učestvuje u samoj vladi. U Francuskoj je levica uspela da se udruži pred izbore i na njima pobedi. Sa druge strane, u Nemačkoj je došlo do podela unutar partije Levica.

Ne postoji jedan jedini uspešan recept. Ipak, razgovarajući o različitim kontekstima i strategijama za kojima je politička levica posezala, otvorićemo prostor za promišljanje taktika koje su određenim situacijama pokazale kao uspešne, izazova sa kojima su se akteri susretali kao i traženjem najboljih mogućih načina za jačanje levih političkih snaga širom Evrope. Može li levica da ponudi odgovore na izazove 21. veka? Koje strategije su se pokazale uspešnima, a koje su dovele do neuspeha? Šta koalicije i sporazumi sa političkima akterima koji se ne zalažu za politike levice donose, a šta odnose? Kako se boriti protiv rastućeg autoritarizma i militarizacije?

O ovim i mnogim drugim pitanjima razgovaraćemo u sredu, 18. septembra, sa početkom u 19 časova. Pridružite nam se i budite deo diskusije o budućnosti evropske levice!


The Left in Europe Today

We invite you to a public discussion on the political left in Europe today. The event will take place on Wednesday, September 18th, at 7 PM in the Miljenko Dereta Space, Dobračina 55, Belgrade.

Marga Ferré, Foundation of Critical Studies, Spain,
Gavin Rae, Naprzod Foundation, Poland,
Cornelia Hildebrandt, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany,
Yann Le Lann, Espaces Marx, France.

Moderation: Vladimir Simović, Centre for the Politics of Emancipation.
The discussion will be held in English with simultaneous translation into Serbian.

In a world marked by growing inequality, climate change, and military conflicts, the role of the political left is becoming increasingly important. But how is the left coping with these challenges? Focusing on countries like Spain, France, Poland, and Germany, we will analyze the current state of the left in Europe. We will explore the various strategies that left-wing political parties have used in each of these countries. In Spain, the left is participating in a coalition government. In Poland, the parliamentary left supports the government and part of it even co-governs. In France, the left managed to unite before the elections and win. On the other hand, in Germany, there have been divisions within the Left party.

There is no single successful recipe. However, by discussing different contexts and strategies adopted by the political left, we will open up space for reflection on tactics that have proven successful in certain situations, the challenges that actors have faced, and the search for the best possible ways to strengthen left-wing political forces across Europe. Can the left offer answers to the challenges of the 21st century? Which strategies have proven successful and which have led to failure? What do coalitions and agreements with political actors who do not advocate for left-wing policies bring, and what do they take away? How to fight against growing authoritarianism and militarization?

We will discuss these and many other questions on Wednesday, September 18th, starting at 7 PM. Join us and be part of the discussion about the future of the European left!