About us


The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung [RLS] is a left-wing foundation which, together with its international department, the Centre for International Dialogue and Cooperation [ZID], is active across the world in fostering and providing political education. The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung maintains regional and international offices in over twenty locations, and collaborates with hundreds of partner organisations, political bodies, and individuals in more than 80 countries. Our work seeks to lend support to emancipatory political forces, and help forge alternative social models founded on democratic socialist values.

The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is affiliated with the «Left Party» [Die Linke] in the Federal Republic of Germany. As is the case with other German party-affiliated foundations, it receives funding from the public budget. As a space for critical thought, the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung facilitates discussions of political processes and the development of alternatives while also acting as a hub for emancipatory educational projects: we share and disseminate knowledge in order to encourage all forms of self-organisation and participation. The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is also a partner to left-wing actors, bringing together various left-wing organisations and individuals and providing a forum for political dialogue. Our international work strives to incorporate the perspectives and experiences of our partners abroad into political dialogue in Germany, and to ensure a genuinely equal and reciprocal exchange of knowledge. Together with our partners, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung focuses on a range of key issues in order to develop political alternatives at the local, national, and international level.

For more information please follow the link to Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Southeast Europe – Belgrade Office

RLS’s office for Southeast Europe [RLS SEE] was opened in 2010 in Belgrade. With funds from the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs, it supports non-profit organisations in Bulgaria, Croatia, North-Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.

Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Southeast Europe – Tuzla Office

Tuzla Office was opened in 2020 as a liaison office to the Belgrade office. With funds from the German Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation, it supports political education and cooperates with non-profit organisations in Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Kosovo.

Die Linke [Left Party]

The «Left Party» [Die Linke] was founded in 2007 as merger of the primarily East German «Party of Democratic Socialism» [PDS] and the West German «Electoral Alternative for Jobs and Social Justice] (WASG). The party’s current presidents are Janine Wissler, and Susanne Henning-Wellsow. In the European Parliament, the Left Party’s five members are part of the «Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left» [GUE/NGL].

For more information please follow the link to Die Linke.

Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg [1871–1919] was a prominent advocate of democratic socialist thought and action in Europe. She opposed the butchery of the 1914–1918 World War with all her strength. She and Karl Liebknecht were the most important supporters of internationalist and anti-militarist positions within the Social Democratic Party [SPD]. She was a passionate and convincing critic of capitalism, and it was from this critique that she drew the strength for revolutionary action. She welcomed the Russian Revolution full of hope, but as a revolutionary democrat remained critical and alert, and had the foresight to condemn the dictatorial policies of the Bolsheviks.

Rosa Luxemburg was a martyr of the German Revolution of November 1918. She was killed by uniformed murderers on 15 January 1919—members of the same milieu that would later openly support the transfer of power to the Nazis.

Rosa Luxemburg’s implacable struggle against war and the radicalism with which she insisted on the combination of political freedom and social equality have lost none of their intensity to this day.

For more information please follow the link to Rosa Luxemburg.